Does God Exist?

God exists-Can it be proved?

To prove that God exists is much easier than to disprove His non-existence because the former has more evidence than the latter. The designs of the human beings, their intelligence and the wisdom to co-create are indicators of the existence of a supernatural being behind their creation.

Not going too far, one can prove that God exists using a human being. The way man is created in different varieties: the whites, the blacks, the tall and the short cannot be attributed to chance. If it was chance then, it was a designed one planned by the greatest designer-God who existed before.

The structure of man is in such a way that it is full of three parts components proving the existence of God who is in three parts-the Trinity. The head, the chest and the legs reflect this structure. The arm is made in three parts and so is the finger. The leg is made of three parts the same is reflected by the foot. God exists as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and this is reflected in the structure of mankind who was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26).

God’s existence is also proved by the nature of man being made in three parts: the body, the spirit and the soul. In Genesis 1:26 God said, “Let us create man in our own image, in our likeness…” What is God’s likeness apart from the Trinity? If man came to be by chance then who designed that chance? There is need to think critically and reason logically about man and how he came to be what he is if God was not involved.

One can also prove God’s existence by the intelligence of man. Although man tends to attribute all his success to himself, he has failed to admit his limitations in most cases. When God created man, He gave him more knowledge than all other creatures in the world as the manager and steward. To look after and co-create and make the world better than what he found it. So to say, the industrial revolution, technological advancement, computer and space science can all be attributed to the wisdom that God gave man to co-create.

Great scientists who understood that their wisdom came from God openly said so and most died when they were believers in God and Jesus Christ as His only one Son. When Armstrong landed on the moon, he confessed that surely there must be God. Isaac Newton, the found of the acceleration to gravity did the same and so was Pascal. Darwin, the father of evolution was a Christian and many other scientists believed that God exists.

Indeed God exists and the power He has over the universe and the limitations of science and human wisdom to explain certain phenomena in life can all join together to say that there is a supernatural being behind all this. There is more to defend God’s existence in the world than to disprove it.

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